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Calcbot 1 0 5 – Intelligent Calculator And Unit Converter

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  1. Calcbot 1 0 5 – Intelligent Calculator And Unit Converter Pdf
  2. Calcbot 1 0 5 – Intelligent Calculator And Unit Converter Free

Calcbot 1.0.1 - is an intelligent calculator and unit converter for the rest of us. Featuring an easy-to-read history tape, expression view, intuitive.

  1. Calcbot is an intelligent calculator and unit converter for the rest of us. Featuring an easy-to-read history tape, expression view, intuitive conversion, and much more! Every calculation you enter gets saved to the history tape. Refer to calculations later or send them right back to your current calculation. Expression View.
  2. Calcbot 在App Store上售价人民币30元 Calcbot for Mac 1.0.6 介绍. Calcbot is an intelligent calculator and unit converter for the rest of us. Featuring an easy-to-read history tape, expression view, intuitive conversion, and much more!

Calcbot 是Mac os平台上的一款非常不错的Mac 计算机软件,Calcbot 依然秉承了 Tapbots 团队高水准的制作水平,虽然整个工具 UI 设计不张扬,但细节上处理非常得体,不会出现有些软件上设计过度的问题,使用起来非常的方便简单。

[Calcbot 在App Store上售价人民币30元]

Calcbot for Mac 1.0.6 介绍

Calcbot is an intelligent calculator and unit converter for the rest of us. Featuring an easy-to-read history tape, expression view, intuitive conversion, and much more!

  • History Tape - Every calculation you enter gets saved to the history tape and optionally sent to your clipboard for quick pasting. Refer to calculations later or send them right back to the calculator.
  • Expression View - Calcbot's original expression view allows you to see everything you have typed so you'll never forget what you entered or miss a typo.
  • Conversion - Convert any of your calculations with over 500 units across 22 different categories including auto-updating currency rates.
  • Favorites - Fave a calculation and get instant access to its result via the Favorites Key. No more cryptic memory keys.
  • Scientific Functions - Calcbot supports common scientific functions in case you ever need them.
  • Constants - Get instant access to scientific constants like Pi, Atomic Mass or add your own.
  • Round for Currency - Have all of your results rounded to two decimal places.
  • iCloud Sync - Sync your history tape, constants, and faves across multiple Macs and soon all of your iOS devices.
  • Sounds and Animations - Sound effects and animations to provide positive feedback when performing calculations.
  • 左侧计算操作区没有任何冗余的设计出现,从上到下是换算单位切换区,计算结果即时预览区以及数字小键盘,当你敲击数字,回车获取结果的时候都会获得讨巧的音效反馈,这也是 Tapbots 一向擅长的,你可以在他家所有的产品里发现。
  • 在计算的过程中,软件会记录并显示下你输入的所有数字和计算符号,保证在复杂、连续计算过程中不犯错,开发者管这叫:Expression View。
  • Calcbot 并没有学 PCalc 对计算键盘做文章,相反,他们把效率提升的重任交给了 History Tape,就是前面我们提到的右侧窗口,这个 Tape 可以和左侧计算区连接在一起,也可以 Detach 分开摆放。


Version 1.0.6:

  • Fixed a bug where the buttons would have incorrect labels

Calcbot for Mac 1.0.6 下载

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Help and Tips

Color Coding

Simple number or constant.

Action that involves two numbers (i.e. 6+2).

Action that requires one number (i.e. 40%). One switch 1 6 2008.

Clears something.

Gives a result.

Actions about the calculator or the tape.

Number formating actions fractions and scientific notation.


You can use your numeric keypad to insert numbers along with the keys 'enter', 'equals', 'backspace', 'delete', as well as the + - * / keys.

Tape and Tape Buttons

All calculations are saved on the tape. Click on any number or operator on the tape and change it at any time. Hit equals and the new result will appear.

You can use the print button to print out the tape.

Clearing Buttons

Clear button clears the last input.

All clear button clears the calculator, tape, and resets any functions.

Memory clear button clears the memory.

Memory Buttons

Memory recall button retrieves the number you have in memory and places it in the display field.

Securecrt 8 3 2 – terminal emulation for it professionals. Vitamin r 2 53 – personal productivity tool free. Memory plus button adds the number displayed to the contents of the memory.

Memory minus button subtracts the number displayed from the contents of the memory.

Calcbot 1 0 5 – Intelligent Calculator And Unit Converter

Calcbot 1 0 5 – Intelligent Calculator And Unit Converter Pdf

Function Buttons

Square root button is used to calculate the square root of a number. Enter a number, then click square root button.

Percent button is used to find the percentage of a number. Enter the percentage amount, click the % button, then enter the number you want the percentage of, and then click equals. i.e. 20% 125 = 25 where 25 is 20% of 125. Note: The percent function will also work if you enter the number first and then the percentage you want i.e. 125 %20 = 25.


To enter a fraction of the form 3/4. Click a number and then click fraction bar, then click another number.

You can use fraction space button to create a number of the form 5 3/4. Enter a number, then click fraction space, click another number and then click on the fraction bar button, lastly enter another number.

Decimal format button and Fraction format button work as pair. When you choose the one the other is switched off.
Decimal format button is used for all decimal work. Also to change a fraction of the form 3/4 to the decimal 0.75, or a fraction of the form 7/4 or a mixed number of the form 1 3/4 to the decimal 1.75. Click on the decimal format button, enter a fraction or mixed number, then click equals. If the fraction or mixed number is only part of the calculation then omit clicking equals and continue with the calculation per usual. i.e. 3/4 DEC x 6 =.
Fraction format button is used to work with all fractions. Also to change a decimal of the form 0.5 to the fraction 1/2, or change a decimal of the form 1.75 to a mixed number of the form 1 3/4 or to the fraction 7/4, or a fraction of the form 7/4 to the mixed number 1 3/4. Click the fraction format button, enter a decimal, click equals and then click on a fraction form and then click equals. If the fraction of decimal is part of a calculation, omit clicking equals and continue with the calculation.

Proper fraction button and Improper fraction button work as pair. When you choose the one the other is switched off.
Proper fraction button is used to change a number of the form of 9/5 to the form of 1 4/5. A proper fraction is a fraction where the numerator (top number) is less than the denominator (bottom number).
Improper fraction button is used to change a number of the form of 1 4/5 to the form of 9/5. An improper fraction is a fraction where the numerator (top number is greater than or equal to the denominator (bottom number).

Calcbot 1 0 5 – Intelligent Calculator And Unit Converter Free

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